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Workforce Cyber Intelligence 101: An Overview

At DTEX, we’ve coined the term Workforce Cyber Intelligence, and we understand providing some education around this emerging concept is needed. As such, we thought it would be helpful to provide an educational blog series that speaks to the various components of Workforce Cyber Intelligence and what the insights driven by this technology can do for employers and employees alike.

Class is in Session

To kick off our series, we’d like to first provide a general overview of the technological landscape surrounding user entity behavior analytics, insider risk mitigation human risk management, data loss prevention, and employee monitoring.

Today’s organizations collect data related to their team members as a common practice. What’s being monitored varies based on the organization, but generally speaking, it is system activity and a degree of user interaction with data and with other people.

The activities of employee monitoring, insider threat management and application utilization – which all are components of Workforce Cyber Intelligence – have advanced alongside today’s maturing technologies. However, the purpose behind traditional data collection and analysis is antiquated and invasive.

The intention of these technologies is to protect the business by identifying where and how employees are responsible for gaps in productivity and lapses in security controls, with little regard for privacy. Privacy for all stakeholders – employees, customers, and businesses – is critical in 2021 and beyond, so the mindset behind this approach must change.

This is how DTEX is making an impact, by recognizing employees, partner and third parties as sources of intelligence rather than the subject of surveillance. This is a new approach to enterprise data collection and analysis that focuses on understanding how, when, why, where and for how long employees and third parties interact with data, machines, applications and their peers as they do their jobs to create a safer, smarter and more secure enterprise.

What’s to Come?

Over the next few weeks, this series will explain the emerging concept of Workforce Cyber Intelligence by walking through the underlying purpose of the technology, discussing how traditional solutions fall short in meeting the intelligence needs of today’s digital enterprise, and what methods an organization should implement to build a modernized, employee-centric operational awareness and cybersecurity solution.

Our course load will include:

  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence 102: An Introduction to Workforce Cyber Intelligence
  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence 103: The Importance of Privacy by Design When Monitoring and Securing Employees in the Enterprise
  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence 104: An Examination of Protection for Mitigating External & Internal Threats
  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence 105: Opportunities Introduced to Employees
  • Workforce Cyber Intelligence 106: Successful Case Studies & Analysis

I’m looking forward to sharing more in next week’s 102 post, which will provide more of an in-depth introduction to Workforce Cyber Intelligence. You can also download the entire Workforce Cyber Intelligence for Dummies book.

Interested in learning more now, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or contact us on Twitter at @DtexSystems to spark a conversation. We love hearing from you!