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DTEX Partners landing page Insider Risk Management

DTEX Partner Program

Building a core competency with DTEX is the fastest way to begin tapping this hot market. More and more customers are developing insider risk programs. The key to this strategy is moving away from product/alert focus and moving towards understanding the risk of individuals. When DMAP+ correlates all the related activities you can begin to develop an understanding of an individual’s intentions and their level of risk before they do something malicious. We achieve this by categorizing all behaviors into a user-based risk score.

Download the DTEX Partner Program Overview

DTEX InTERCEPT is a first-of-its-kind Workforce Cyber Security solution that brings together the capabilities of Insider Threat Management, User and Entity Behavior Analytics, Digital Forensics, and Zero Trust DLP in an all-in-one lightweight, cloud-native platform. Unlike data-centric DLP and UEBA tools, or intrusive employee monitoring solutions, DTEX’s next-gen platform collects application metadata only, eliminating the need to scan files, capture email or website content, monitor electronic conversations, record screens, or log keystrokes.


Watch as Brian Stoner, VP Worldwide Channel and Alliances discusses the DTEX Partner Program and the growing opportunities within insider risk management.

Reasons to Partner with DTEX

Next Generation Insider Threat Solution

Next Generation Insider Threat Solution

Provides correlation across all insider threat vectors providing superior visibility to any other insider threat solution available today. Our approach has been validated by Gartner in their latest Market Guide for Insider Risk.

Next Generation Zero Trust DLP

Next Generation Zero Trust DLP

Spots risky users BEFORE they attempt to exfiltrate data. Many levels of enforcement beyond blocking with less tuning and maintenance.

Eliminate Agent Sprawl

Eliminate Agent Sprawl

Eliminage Agent Sprawl for your customers and reduce their TCO for Insider Threat while maximizing their capabilities.

Great Margins

Great Margins

Great Margins on Referrals, Net New Business Transactions, and Renewals

Services & Opportunities

Services & Opportunities

Professional Services and Managed Services Opportunities

Interested in becoming a partner?

Demand for workforce cyber intelligence and security partner program DTEX

Fill out the Partner Application:


  • DTEX will respond to the request within 48 hours and if the partner meets the minimum criteria, an initial meeting will take place.
  • Next, the partner will be provided with an MNDA and the appropriate partner agreement.
  • Once the contract is signed, the Channel Manager will reach out to schedule enablement and onboarding and Partner Portal Access will be provided to appropriate individuals.


Strategic Global Partners

Technology Alliances and Integrations

Channel Partners & Resellers


Channel Partners & Resellers


Channel Partners & Resellers


Together We Can Do More – Become a Partner with DTEX.

Request to become a partner with us today and learn how we can work together.

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