Protect Data from Insider Threats

Organizations cannot wait for an adversary to execute the final steps of an attack. Instead, defenders must recognize the early warnings of an attack as soon as risk escalates. DTEX improves on a Zero Trust security model by surfacing behavioral indicators of intent from individuals with permissions on the inside, defending ZT policies while keeping organizations left of boom.

Traditional cyber defense methods don’t provide visibility to all kill chain behaviors prior to an incident. DTEX identifies behaviors that are suggestive of an attack and can produce an evidentiary audit trail that confirms whether critical server environments have been impacted. Even in cases where attempts are made to blend into normal network activity, DTEX profiles superuser accounts for anomalous behavior on endpoints and servers.

Security teams can quickly conduct investigations in-house or with the help of the DTEX i3 team. Investigations and prosecutions require proof that all evidence was handled through an unbroken chain of custody. DTEX logs each action in an evidentiary-quality audit trail so global organizations have the information needed when a security incident occurs, without requiring physical access to endpoints.

Being able to detect infiltrations early in the kill chain is an essential capability which many organizations have failed to do. DTEX’s use of behavioral indicators to detect infiltrators in alignment with the MITRE ATT&CK framework is a priority functionality for us as adversary tactics continue to evolve.”

CISO Critical Infrastructure Provider

DTEX brings value to our organization because it provides endpoint visibility that we don’t typically get from our other tools in a way that allows us to monitor and assess the data based on dynamic risk scoring. I think that’s the key value.​”

Senior Director, Threat Management CenterTelecommunications