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A Human-Centric Approach to Operational Awareness and Risk Management

Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog


Case Studies

Security and Privacy for the Distributed Workforce

In this case study, the customer required an insider risk management platform which could improve visibility of remote worker activity…

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Microsoft partners with DTEX for insider risk management to achieve compliance. People working in the office.

Case Studies

Protecting Data and Exceeding Compliance with DTEX and Microsoft

This case study highlights how a government entity transitioned from a box-ticking approach to proactive IRM by leveraging DTEX and…

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Accelerating Insider Risk Management in the Mining Sector

Case Studies

Insider Risk Management in the Mining Sector

This mining company chose DTEX for our consolidated approach to insider risk management for proactive mitigation.

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Manufacturing case study for insider risk management

Case Studies

Security and Privacy at a Global Manufacturer

A great example of how we support our customers’ insider threat challenges around security and privacy.

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retail store case study for insider risk management

Case Studies

Gaining Visibility to Risk in Retail Stores

Learn how DTEX provided the needed context for this multinational retailer to quickly discern between malicious and benign intent and…

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Case Studies, Videos

VicTrack Protects People and Data with DTEX Systems

A look into how VicTrack uses DTEX InTERCEPT to improve the security of the organization.

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Energy company case study insider risk management

Case Studies

Protecting Trusted Insiders: How an Energy Company Mitigated a Targeted Phishing Attack

How DTEX helped a large energy organization identify, understand and mitigate a targeted phishing attack.

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Telecommunications case study for insider risk management

Case Studies

How a National Telecom Company Used DTEX to Build a Data Lineage Program and Solve More Problems with Less Noise

After several failed attempts with other tools, this customer chose DTEX to detect insider threats and establish a data lineage…

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Why understanding insider risk is key to cyber resilience

Case Studies

Financial Services Organization Stops Attack Targeting a Senior Executive

Learn how DTEX's digital forensic capabilities enabled a time to resolution of under 24 hours.

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Williams F1 racecar with DTEX logo as official supplier of insider risk management.

Case Studies, Videos

DTEX and Williams Racing: Video Case Study

Learn how Williams Grand Prix Engineering uses DTEX Systems to protect high value intellectual property.

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