Jul 27, 2023

Insider Risk Mitigation Strategies for the Midsize Enterprise


What do employees, contractors and integrated third-party partners have in common? They all represent insider risk. Regardless of malicious or non-malicious intent, all insider risks must be addressed.

The team at Gartner recently released its Strategies for Midsize Enterprises to Mitigate Insider Risk, which explores the role of insiders in midsize enterprises, the limitations of traditional solutions, and recommendations to combat insider risk.

Here are the takeaways of the report:

Implement The Rule of Three for Insider Risk 

“The Rule of Three” breaks insider risk into three categories:

  • Threat actors, which come in three flavors: the carless user, the malicious insider, and compromised credentials
  • Threat activities, including fraud, intellectual property theft, and system sabotage
  • Mitigation goals, which defines the goals of an insider risk program: deter the individuals; detect the activity; disrupt the effort.

By approaching insider risk management with the “Rule of Three,” insider risk teams can ensure that they are developing a strategy that addresses people, process and technology, all of which are required to be successful.

Develop an Insider Threat Security Team

The IT team cannot be solely responsible for rolling roll out an insider risk program or strategy. As the report points out, an effective insider risk strategy requires cross-functional input and support that extends beyond the teams traditionally tasked with securing your organization. This includes the need to secure support from executive leadership as well as your legal and HR teams.

Mitigate Risk with Technology and Governance

According to Gartner, implementing automated tools and technology with embedded behavioral technology will simplify administration and management.

While there are a host of point solutions on the market, many lack the contextual telemetry required to understand human behavior and proactively mitigate risk before data loss occurs. Solutions that consolidate the essential elements of DLP, UBA and UAM – such as DTEX InTERCEPT – can afford organizations the ability to understand human intent in order to detect, deter, disrupt insider risks before they become insider threats.

For the complete insights and strategies, download a complimentary copy of the report.

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