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  • Monday, July 30: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy in the News: California Data Breach Horror Stories Feature Vulnerable Insiders, Trump Administration Focusing on Privacy Regulation

Monday, July 30: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy in the News: California Data Breach Horror Stories Feature Vulnerable Insiders, Trump Administration Focusing on Privacy Regulation

Last week, VentureBeat reporter Chris O’Brien took a deep look at some of our research about leading causes of data breaches in the State of California. In Daily horrors of cybersecurity detailed in California’s data breach reports, O’Brien chronicled how the reports posted daily to the California Attorney General data breach reporting website tell grim stories. They include repeated tales of data breaches caused by human error and vulnerable employees. Wrote O’Brien:

And for all the sophisticated tools being developed on both sides of the trench warfare, the depressing reality, according to the report, is that negligent employees and individuals remain one of the most vulnerable parts of the security equation.

He further supported the position with a quote from our CEO, Christy Wyatt:

“The most effective way to target a company is to target their employees,” said Dtex CEO Christy Wyatt. “I do think it is not a pure sort of perimeter attack any more. It’s not just take down the firewall and then you have free access to a network. These are targeting that squishy middle. Someone is specifically trolling, looking for those human errors.”

Self-Fulfilling Privacy Prophecy

During his testimony before Congress, Facebook Founder, Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that government regulation in his industry is “inevitable.” Last Friday, Reuters reported that the administration of President Donald Trump may be pushing the inevitable along.

In Trump administration working on consumer data privacy policy, Sam Shepardson reported:

David Redl, a senior U.S. Commerce Department official who oversees the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, said in a speech on Friday to the Internet Governance Forum USA in Washington that the administration recently “began holding stakeholder meetings to identify common ground and formulate core, high-level principles on data privacy.”

And …

A person briefed on the matter confirmed that the more than 20 meetings held have included major internet companies like Facebook and Google parent company Alphabet Inc, along with internet providers like AT&T Inc and Comcast Corp and trade associations.

While it may go without saying that most Americans are in favor of privacy protections, the story also stated:

Redl said a government survey showed that three-quarters of American households using the internet have “significant concerns” about privacy and security risks.

Public and private sector organizations that want to get ahead in the privacy compliance game are probably safe to conclude that the GDPR will serve, at the very least, as a guidepost that most legislative bodies will consider when crafting laws. Dtex is already helping organizations to meet compliance through products and methods that address specific portions of the reg. For more information, visit:

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