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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

Understanding Who’s ACTUALLY Using that Expensive Software You’re Paying For

Insider Risk Management blog post tablet expensive software

Many organizations have a variety of tools that they spend time researching, vetting, being trained on, and then never using again. Nobody wants to spend tight budget dollars on “shelfware”, when, according to a recent study, software is largest IT budget item, at 39% of the average IT budget. Controlling costs in this area is critical. Forbes writes that shelfware actually makes up 30% of software tools.

Workforce Cyber Intelligence provides organizations with a privacy-centric solution that helps understand and optimize employee engagement, optimize investments in tools and software, and minimize employee burnout. We provide our customers with this insight through DTEX PULSE.

PULSE takes a privacy-by-design approach, allowing organizations to obtain data about their workforce without displacing trust among employees. Traditional surveillance-based solutions that record keystrokes, web browsing, and email of individually named employees results in mistrust. By using pseudonymization and capturing only the minimum amount of data needed, organizations can learn what they need to know, maintain employee engagement, and build partnerships with their workforce.

Understanding your asset and software utilization is critical to optimal business operations as IT budget requirements continue to grow across organizations of all sizes. That’s where Workforce Cyber Intelligence comes in. It helps answer why, how, when, and for how long employees use enterprise assets. It provides reporting on which applications are used, which departments use them, and the frequency of use—not just the number of licenses and seats involved! This helps IT and procurement teams understand which applications are critical, which are over licensed, and which can be discontinued.

Download the e-book “Workforce Cyber Intelligence: A Modern Approach to Employee Engagement and Well-being” for more on all PULSE use cases and check out our other blog posts on this topic, including remote workforce analytics.

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