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Dtex Systems Patent Shows that Company is Only Enterprise DMAP Intelligence Provider Delivering Insider Threat Detection with Maximum Protection for Employee Privacy

Patent Validates Intellectual Property that Supports GDPR Compliance, Employee Privacy and Insider Threat Detection

SAN JOSE, California – June 28, 2018 – Dtex Systems, the leader in user behavior intelligence and insider threat detection, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded it patent number 9,953,176 for its “Method and system for anonymizing activity records.” The company uses this unique method to innovate enhancements to the Dtex Advanced Enterprise DMAP Intelligence Platform. The patent affirms that Dtex is the only company providing customers with a level of visibility needed to detect insider threats along with maximum protection for the privacy of employees and other trusted users. This methodology further demonstrates the Dtex commitment to “Privacy by Design” and the continued delivery of enhancements that empower customers to comply with important aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other stringent privacy mandates.

Organizations governed by GDPR that deploy technologies used to detect and prevent insider threats must prove that they are using them to achieve the intended purpose while having the least impact on privacy. The Dtex platform assists with meeting this challenge, as the patented method allows it to continually detect threats and spot and anonymize data records that can be used to identify specific individuals. With the ability to de-anonymize records that indicate the presence of a problem, the platform will continue to help customers quickly mitigate insider threats before damage occurs.

“Environments filled with bad actors and human errors create nightmares for cybersecurity teams. Compliance regulations such as the GDPR and an increasing need to respect employee privacy add to the challenge,” said Rajan Koo, Dtex Systems vice president of customer engineering and member of the patent inventor team. “We’re pleased at this patent grant. It shows that Dtex is committed to helping our customers gain the visibility needed to reduce insider threat risk, achieve compliance, and build trust among their employees.”

The full patent can be accessed at: DTEX ANONYMIZATION PATENT: Method and system for anonymizing activity records(

Dtex also today released results of a recent Harris Poll revealing Americans’ attitudes towards employee digital activity monitoring, for more details read: Harris Poll Finds that Americans Support Employee Digital Monitoring Programs Built on Transparency, Trust and Privacy (

About Dtex Systems

Dtex Systems arms enterprises across the globe with revolutionary technology to protect against user threats, data breaches, and outsider infiltration. As the only solution combining unparalleled endpoint visibility with advanced analytics, Dtex is able to pinpoint threats with greater accuracy than traditional security methods without adversely impacting user productivity. To learn more, visit