Feb 21, 2023

When it Comes to Insider Risk, the Difference is Human


We have a saying here at DTEX: the difference is human. We know that enterprise security is only achievable when the cyber strategy is underpinned by the human element – the only true perimeter of all. Our customers will attest to this, too.

For this reason, we were not surprised to read Gartner’s prediction that by 2025, 50% of organizations will have adopted an insider risk program – up from just 10% today.

holistic insider risk program that includes a mechanism for capturing contextual, behavioral telemetry is the only way organizations can proactively prevent data loss.

Most hands-on CISOs will agree that multiple point solutions aren’t cutting it. They know that these solutions – whether it’s UAM, DLP or UBA – only cause more pain, costing high security spend with slow time to value. Even then, they rarely scale or provide the visibility required to address the root cause of data loss: the human element.

At the end of the day, humans will always be the number one attack vector. It doesn’t matter if the ultimate event is a ransomware or a phishing attack – the human is always driving the car, before and after the exfiltration has occurred.

The DTEX InTERCEPT platform has been designed from the ground up to capture behavioral data and context that empowers organizations to quickly and easily detect and mitigate insider risk – all while respecting employee privacy.

When it comes to insider risk, more data is not necessarily better. Too much of the wrong data only results in excess noise, high rates of false positives and ultimately a burnt out, insecure workforce. Use of heavy-handed surveillance, such as keystroke logging and screen capture, does nothing to address risk and only erodes trust.

Our platform provides enterprise-wide visibility and only captures the data the matters, eliminating false positives and arming organizations with the power they need to be left of boom.

Used as part of a broader insider risk program, DTEX InTERCEPT can fuel the operational and cultural dynamics conducive to a trusted, respected and protected workplace, where security is a natural byproduct.

As we work closely with our customers day in and day out to support their insider risk management efforts, we are committed to educating companies about the importance of human-centric cybersecurity.

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