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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

Introducing DTEX System’s Enhanced Global Partner Program

DTEX Global Partner Program Insider Risk Management

Insider threat management matters now more than ever, which is why we’re excited to officially announce the launch of DTEX’s enhanced Global Partner Program.

The change from in-person to remote working due to the pandemic has created a seismic shift in how insider threat is addressed. One of the biggest ongoing challenges for security and IT teams is the massive loss of visibility and control that accompanied this transition to hybrid work. Until today, no solution offered the context and intelligence needed to understand how much proprietary information has been lost without invading employee privacy.

DTEX is the first solution that truly raises the bar for monitoring insider threats and employee engagement without the invasiveness of legacy tools. Mitigating risks in today’s increasingly digital and distributed world requires transitioning from an alert-based approach to a correlated risk-based approach. By combining all human activities into a risk score, organizations can eliminate alert fatigue and focus on the individuals who have the highest potential risk to the organization with ZERO false positives. While this won’t be a one-size-fits-all approach, DTEX’s ability to fine-tune its Workforce Cyber Intelligence & Security solutions for each customer and their specific needs provides a superior outcome.

This approach was validated during an extensive trial at MITRE corporation. After testing many of the normal assumptions around traditional approaches to insider risk management and their effectiveness, it was clear that DTEX’s ability to correlate UAM, UEBA, Zero Trust DLP, credentialed threat, forensics, and fraud risk generated significantly fewer alerts while enhancing insight into the actual risk of that individual.

To benefit as many customers as possible, our team developed an industry-leading profitability program that provides best-in-class margins on products and the opportunity to drive significant professional services.

By taking this partner-first approach, DTEX will offer customers unparalleled insight into their security posture. Additional capabilities will include:

  • Assessment/POV
    • 30-Day engagement provides comprehensive risk analysis
    • Stands on its own
  • Customer Insider Risk Program Development
  • What to do when something bad happens
  • Deployment and tuning
  • Customize risk event scores and policy tuning for the customer
  • Monitoring
  • Integrate to your MDR service
  • Digital Forensic Investigations
  • DTEX i3 Team or partner IR services

We are very excited to finally announce our updated Global Partner Portal, which will make it easy to register and track opportunities.

Join us on Thursday, January 12th to learn more about how this updated program is filling significant gaps in the cybersecurity market for our partners and customers.