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Former Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook Joins Dtex CEO Christy Wyatt at RSA 2017 to Present First Hand View of the Insider Threat

Mook, Wyatt to Discuss Russian DNC Hack and Why Employee Vulnerability is the Enterprise’s Weakest Link

SAN JOSE, CA — Feb. 2, 2017 — Dtex, leaders in insider threat detection and defense, today announced that Robby Mook, former Campaign Manager to 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, will join Dtex Systems CEO Christy Wyatt in a discussion during the Dtex Global Insider Threat Summit at RSA 2017. Attendees at the event will hear from Mook and Wyatt about the fallout of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hacking incident, what organizations can learn from the incident, and how to reduce the odds of falling victim to a similar fate.

Mook experienced firsthand how adversaries target unsuspecting insiders to gain access to critical systems in order to steal information that can be used to seriously undermine national organizations as established as the DNC and damage a campaign as big as Clinton’s.  Robby learned firsthand how to manage compliance, public relations and how to train staff in the wake of a breach. Mook is joining Dtex at RSA to make his experience available to the public. Through it, businesses, government agencies and political organizations will learn more about how vulnerable their employees are and how to take simple steps to defend against attackers.

“Since the hacking incident, I’ve gained a profound understanding of how damaging acts of cybercrime can be. The thing that stands out most for me is how vulnerable people with legitimate access to systems really are, and how little is being done to defend them against attacks,” said Mook. “I jumped at the opportunity to join Christy at the world’s largest security event. The learning that will come out of the Dtex summit is sure to shed new light on the insider threat, a problem that has yet to be solved.”

The Dtex User Threat Platform delivers the industry’s most comprehensive endpoint user behavior analytics capabilities, offering deeper contextual insights into abnormal user behavior. The Platform self-tunes by continuously studying and learning user patterns, allowing it to better identify anomalies and address risky or negligent behavior while avoiding the burden of false positives.

“Vulnerable users aren’t just a Democratic Party problem; they are problem for any business or organization who relies on humans to conduct transactions and communications across the Internet. Until they are protected against attackers, we will continue to see catastrophic breaches,” said Wyatt. “Our event and work with Robby will benefit the security community and everyone that has the potential to fall victim to organized actors who target employees, partners and collaborators.”

For more details and to register for the event, visit:

About Dtex Systems

Dtex Systems arms enterprises across the globe with revolutionary technology to protect against user threats, data breaches, and outsider infiltration. As the only solution combining unparalleled endpoint visibility with advanced analytics, Dtex can pinpoint threats with greater accuracy than traditional security methods without adversely impacting user productivity. To learn more, visit