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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog


The Rise And Stealth Of The Socially Engineered Insider

We’ve seen a steep rise in the number of organizations explicitly wanting support in countering foreign interference and IP theft,…

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Logistics Uncovered: Understanding the Cyber Threat to Physical Supply Chains

Reliable data on threat levels in logistics is rare, shockingly so, but as part of the broader transportation industry, one…

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The rise of the outsmarted insider

Today’s landscape has seen the emergence of a third category of insider threats: the outsmarted employee. This leads to attackers…

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Microsoft Locks Down Server Exposing Employee Credentials, Highlighting Ongoing Security Challenges

In a recent cybersecurity lapse, Microsoft reportedly secured a server last month that had exposed sensitive information, including passwords, keys,…

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Insider Threats Surge Amid Growing Foreign Interference

In the face of escalating threat activity from nation-states exploiting corporate negligence and AI, insiders find themselves increasingly vulnerable to…

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Nation-state actors drive up cyberthreats

Organizations face heightened cyberthreats from malicious nation-state actors seeking to gain access into private and public computer networks — in…

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Insider threats linked to nation states increase 70 percent

Insider threats are usually thought of as being down to disgruntled or careless employees, but a new report from risk…

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Foreign Interference Drives Record Surge in IP Theft

Hostile foreign states are behind a surge in malicious insider breaches, driving IP theft and industrial espionage to an all-time…

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U.S. Army Sergeant Arrested for Alleged Conspiracy to Trade Military Secrets for Cash

A U.S. Army sergeant and intelligence analyst, Korbein Schultz, was arrested at Fort Campbell, Tennessee, on charges related to a…

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Alphabet’s CapitalG backs DTEX Systems with $50M to strengthen insider threat protection

Insider risk management company DTEX Systems Inc. today announced that it has raised $50 million in new funding from CapitalG…

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Exclusive: Alphabet funds insider risk company

CapitalG, Alphabet's venture capital fund, is investing $50 million in Series E funding in insider risk company Dtex Systems, the…

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DTEX Systems launches AI assistant to combat insider threats

DTEX Systems has revealed a new AI risk assistant to its InTERCEPT platform, making it the first organisation to capitalise…

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