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Workforce Cyber Intelligence for the Modern, Distributed, and Digital Enterprise

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Employees are Human

The modern workforce is a real-time source of enterprise intelligence whose behaviors and contributions offer a rich, contextual data signal that lends insight into the utilization of enterprise applications, the effectiveness of hybrid work models, the adoption of personal productivity tools (Bring Your Own Applications or BYOA), the usefulness of training, and perhaps most importantly, an employee’s level of personal and professional wellbeing.

Watch the Difference is Human

Non-intrusive Remote Workforce Analytics, Asset Utilization, and BYOA Awareness

DTEX PULSE is a Workforce Cyber Intelligence solution built to support digital transformation initiatives and related human capital management programs by delivering IT, HR, and finance teams the ability to non-intrusively measure employee engagement with organizational assets and identify opportunities for cost, performance, and operational efficiencies.

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Harmonizing Employee Privacy, Performance, and Well-being

DTEX PULSE enables organizations to learn from their workforce by anonymizing an employee’s physical interactions with organizational assets (data, machines, applications, and people), aggregating these interactions across the entire business, and then performing analysis to understand engagement levels without compromising privacy. DTEX PULSE is NOT an employee surveillance tool. DTEX PULSE’s patented pseudonymization technology and unique data minimization techniques ensure employee privacy is maintained, while innovative behavioral machine-learning models help HR, IT, finance, and cybersecurity teams deliver better day-to-day experiences and foster better outcomes for employees and the organization.

Read the Solution Brief: Workforce Visibility Without Privacy Intrusion

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Learn from Employees, Don’t Watch Them

Every CEO, and their leaders in HR, IT, and finance, are asking these questions in relation to their workforce:

  • What applications do we have and are they being utilized as intended?
  • How is a hybrid work model performing for our organization at a departmental level?
  • What opportunities are there to learn from Bring Your Own Application innovations?

PULSE answers these questions and more without invading personal privacy. Take a self-guided virtual tour to learn more.

Take the PULSE Virtual Tour


An All-in-One Workforce Cyber Intelligence Solution

The latest on Workforce Cyber Intelligence

Workforce Visibility without Privacy Intrusion

Solution Briefs

Workforce Visibility Without Privacy Intrusion

Traditional employee monitoring solutions rely on intrusive surveillance techniques. Learn how DTEX's privacy-by-design approach works.

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DTEX Insider Threat Mitigation Guide resource

E-books, Solution Briefs

DTEX Insider Threat Mitigation Guide

Guidelines for evaluating Insider Threat Mitigation technology solutions and considerations for building an effective Insider Threat Detection and Response Program…

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Insider Risk Management vs. Insider Threat Surveillance

Discover 7 reasons to move to a more modern approach to Insider Risk Management.

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Put Workforce Cyber Intelligence to work for you.

Get a demo of DTEX PULSE to understand the visibility it can offer your organization.