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  • Global Election Hacking Epidemic Takes Center Stage at Dtex Insider Threat Summit with Political Strategist Robby Mook Joining the Discussion

Global Election Hacking Epidemic Takes Center Stage at Dtex Insider Threat Summit with Political Strategist Robby Mook Joining the Discussion

Former Clinton Campaign Manager and Security Experts to Address Devastating Impact of Insider Vulnerability on Government Agencies, Political Organizations and Enterprises

SAN JOSE, CA — June 7, 2017 – Dtex Systems™, a leading insider threat detection provider, today announced the Dtex Insider Threat Summit: Europe, an event that will bring together security experts to discuss the rise in global election hacking on June 22, 2017 at the OXO2 in London. Political strategist and former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook will reprise his partnership with Dtex Systems to address the role of insider threats and vulnerabilities in election hacking and share his personal experience during the 2016 Democratic National Convention hacking.

“The insider threat is not a problem contained within a certain region or community and seeing the impact it had on the American political system — and risks in France, United Kingdom and Australia — clearly demonstrates how vulnerable people are to targeted attacks,” said Christy Wyatt, CEO at Dtex Systems. “After the success of the Dtex Insider Threat Summit at RSA 2017 earlier this year, we felt the need to partner with Robby once again and bring this conversation to the global stage.”

Joining the discussion will be additional security experts from around the world who will share their insights and experiences with insider threats and user behavior across different organizations and enterprises. Speakers include:

Bob van Graft, Director of IT and CIO, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamPeter Erceg, Senior Vice President, Lockton CompaniesGraeme Hackland, CISO, Williams F1Mo Ahddoud, CISO, SGN

Attendees will receive information on timely cybersecurity trends within global enterprises, strategies for effective vulnerability detection and management, and required GDPR legislation mandated for May 2018. For more details and to register for the event, visit:

About Dtex Systems

Dtex Systems arms enterprises across the globe with revolutionary technology to protect against user threats, data breaches, and outsider infiltration. As the only solution combining unparalleled endpoint visibility with advanced analytics, Dtex is able to pinpoint threats with greater accuracy than traditional security methods without adversely impacting user productivity. To learn more, visit