Join our panel during Black Hat 2024 – Blurred Lines: Investigating the Convergence of Internal and External Threats


Don't forget to mix in some career-shaping wisdom as you make time for golf, beach trips and barbecues.
Join us all summer long for a series of exclusive, highly interactive seminars with thought leaders in
Industrial & Social Espionage, Privacy & Risk, Cyber Security Operations & Intelligence,
People-Centric DLP, NGAV & Forensics and Regulatory Compliance.

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The DTEX Virtual Summer Briefing Series brings you exclusive, emerging data, methodologies and best practices for preventing data loss, protecting employees against compromise, identifying malicious insiders and driving efficient and effective cyber security operations.


How to Ace OCC Audits: A Global Bank’s Success Story

September 9, 2021 @ 11:30 am EDT / 8:30 am PDT

Join the Director of Security and Risk Operations of a Large Multi-National Bank and Rajan Koo, Chief Customer Success Officer with DTEX, as they discuss and review:
• The attacks and vulnerabilities that led to these OCC actions
• An OCC Audit Checklist that maps OCC requirements regarding internal risks against common cyber security tools and solutions
• How financial institutions can identify anomalous behaviors and bad actors earlier on in the attack supply chain


Thursday, July 15 @ 12 pm EDT / 5 pm UK

The 2021 State of Workforce Privacy & Risk Report with the Ponemon Institute

View On Demand

July 29, 2021 @ 11:30 am EDT / 8:30 am PDT

Optimizing the SOC with Zero Trust & Insider Threat Intelligence

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August 26, 2021 @ 11:30 am EDT / 8:30 am PDT

Plugging the Holes in NGAV: Why Data and Users Matter

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Discover the missing link for holistic, automated cybersecurity and IT operations.

Take an interactive platform tour to learn how DTEX delivers human behavioral intelligence to enrich SOC workflows and response, augment NGAV with people-centric DLP and forensics, proactively mitigate insider threats and identify operational inefficiencies.
