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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

New Year, New Security Risks: Why 2022 Will be The Year of Data Introduction

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Cybersecurity threats continued to advance in 2021, as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation for enterprises around the world. In today’s distributed, remote environment, the workforce is the new firewall, raising the stakes for insider threat detection significantly. In fact, the 2021 Verizon Data Breach and Incident Response Report found that 84% of breaches involved human interaction.

While mitigating data exfiltration will remain a priority for security and IT leaders in 2022, they are also facing the rise of a new security risk that poses just as great of a threat: data introduction resulting from new team members. After all, following the Great Resignation of 2021 comes the “Great Onboarding.” As enterprises expand their workforce, they need to be wary of the data employees may be bringing with them from their previous companies.

So, if 2021 was the year of data exfiltration, 2022 will be the year of data introduction. Whether this data is considered stolen IP or results in the introduction of pirated malware, there are a myriad of risks organizations will face as a result of this data introduction, including what we predict will result in a significant spike in lawsuits in the new year. With this, security will no longer be seen as just a safety mechanism for protecting customers, employees and IP, but also as an opportunity to safeguard and take back the narrative around the brand each employee has worked so hard to establish.

The only way for organizations to mitigate this risk is to holistically visualize and understand trends around a company’s business data. A recent report we conducted alongside the Ponemon Institute found that less than 50% of organizations who suffer an insider attack had the visibility to see it building, much less the ability to recognize indicators. In order to fully understand any insider incident, enterprises require visibility into the nuance and sequence of human behavior. While there will never be a one-size-fits-all approach to any security program, putting the technologies and processes in place to ensure an organization can adapt its strategies around what assets are protected and who they need to be protected from should be a top priority for all security decision-makers in 2022. With Workforce Cyber Intelligence & Security, enterprises can gain a better understanding of how, when, why, where and for how long employees and third parties interact with data, machines, applications, and their peers as they perform their job responsibilities to mitigate risks associated with data leaving and entering companies.

Interested in learning more about Workforce Cyber Intelligence and what should be top of mind for your organization this year? DTEX’s expanded Insider Intelligence and Investigations team is here to help.