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Workforce Cyber Intelligence and Security News Digest – November 2022

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Eleven months down with one to go, and the new year is in sight. Before we turn the page to look back on all of the team’s 2022 accomplishments, let’s take a quick look at where we’ve been for the past month. It’s always helpful to celebrate the individual victories that pile up into year-end achievements.

We kicked off the month of November with the release of DTEX’s 2022 Top Inside Risk Trends for Global Enterprises. This report explores the top insider risk trends from the DTEX i3 Team’s real-life investigations and highlights how the vulnerabilities the team uncovered could impact your company.

Some of the key findings from the report include:

  • When employees leave a company, 12% of them take corporate information with them that is not related to their jobs.
    • That number jumps up to 50% for employees who walk out of the door with sensitive information on projects that they owned or supported.
  • We found that the gig economy thrives as unsanctioned third-party work on corporate devices has increased by almost 200% in the past 12 months.
    • Some people might be tempted to think that is not a problem, but it’s important to note that some of that side work is in direct competition to their employer’s business.
  • Something for HR departments and managers to think about as we charge into the holiday season, workforce engagement is slow to ramp up after the holidays, with productivity declining by as much as 50%.

The report generated robust media coverage:

BetaNews: 12 percent of employees take IP with them when leaving a job

Infosecurity: Insider Risk on the Rise: 12% of Employees Take IP When Leaving Jobs

The CyberWire ‘Week that Was’ Briefing: Threats and trends. US midterms see no cyber disruption. Microsoft says China weaponizes vulnerability disclosure.

The Cyberwire Daily Podcast: Cybersecurity on US Election Day. OPERA1ER threat activity. Insider threats. Hacktivist auxiliaries: influence operators in the hybrid war. And Mr. Hushpuppi is back in the news.

The Cyberwire Daily Briefing: Insider threats: seasonal and secular trends.

The Cyberwire: Insider threats: trends and directions. The holiday season affects workforce engagement.

In other news, DTEX was honored as the InnovationAus Awards cybersecurity winner. The award organizers said:

DTEX product starts from a recognition that the vast majority of cyber breaches originate from human error, and quite often a very simple and avoidable one.

DTEX offers security and management software with a focus on this human side of the cybersecurity equation, with its workforce cyber intelligence and security software based on learning from employee behaviour, with an emphasis on privacy.

The 2022 InnovationAus Awards for Excellence winners and finalists were feted at a gala dinner on Thursday, November 17.