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2021 Remote Workforce Security Report: Organizations Still Lack Confidence in Security Practices

Even with news of successful vaccines in production, most of us know that Covid-19, and the challenges brought along with it, aren’t going away any time soon. The rapid shift towards a global “work from home” environment has created sustained operational and security issues for nearly every organization, emphasizing the need for Workforce Cyber Intelligence that provides human-centric, privacy-first approach to operational awareness and cyber risk management.

In our latest Remote Workforce Security Report, analysts from Cybersecurity Insiders surveyed over 500 IT and security professionals across the US about their responses and concerns related to securing remote workforces in the wake of COVID-19. The results of this study are not surprising, but they are alarming considering the impact insider threats can have on corporations.

Key findings of the report include:

  • Nearly 75% of organizations are concerned about the security risks introduced by users working from home;
  • 73% of organizations reported they have partial or no visibility into user activity if their VPN is disabled by remote workers; only 27% reported full or complete visibility into user activity;
  • Users are mixing personal use and corporate use on their work laptops, increasing the risk of drive-by-downloads (25%), users are more susceptible to phishing attacks at home (15%), and organizations no longer has visibility since most remote workers operate outside the corporate network (13%).
  • Organizations prioritize human-centric visibility into remote employee activity (34%), followed by improved network analytics (30%) and next-generation anti-virus and endpoint detection and response (25%).

The full report is available for download here. To see Workforce Cyber Intelligence in action, begin your free trial at