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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

David Wilcox on Joining Dtex, and Arming the Public Sector with Intelligence to Combat Insider Threats

**Dtex is excited to welcome David Wilcox as our new Vice President of Business Development for Federal Government.

You may have all seen the news this morning of my joining Dtex as the company’s new Vice President of Business Development for Federal Government. After 37 years of government service at the National Security Agency (NSA), spanning six administrations and major changes in federal security policy and infrastructure, this is new and exciting territory for me. I’m grateful to be charting it as part of a leading organization like Dtex.

The highlights and momentum numbers from the company’s latest fiscal year — also included in today’s announcement — speak to the explosive growth happening across the cybersecurity market and the surging demand for innovative, scalable security solutions. These numbers also reflect the core reasons I made the decision to join the Dtex team: the effectiveness of the product, the dedication to excellence, and the positive feedback I heard from current customers.

I am keenly aware, after decades of first-hand experience, of just how critical it is for the federal government to address the insider threat. While malicious insiders have certainly become the most prominent of national security risks, there’s a dire need to protect against the other forms – user negligence and compromised insiders – that carry the same potential of putting highly-sensitive information at risk.

There’s no question that progress is being made in advancing cybersecurity capabilities and infrastructure. But, there’s still work to be done to ensure federal government agencies have the solutions and intelligence they need to keep pace with the ever-growing demand for cyber capabilities and to combat the current threat environment. The blind spots have been well-documented, which include a lack of visibility into user activity.

I also know how hard our government security and technology leaders are working to address the many challenges and complexities they are facing with limited budget, resources, and expertise. I believe that continued — and hopefully, expedited — progress relies on a renewed focus on the foundational elements of any cyber security plan: visibility and actionable insights. It also requires the right technology investments, in solutions like Dtex, that can deliver on those.

While I may be sitting on the other side of the table, I remain firmly committed to arming our federal government agencies to protect our nation’s most valuable data sources. And I’m ready to get started.

As Vice President of Business Development for Federal Government at Dtex, Wilcox will help manage the surging demand from this sector as it recognizes the critical need for technologies that defend against insider threat and reduce national security risks. As a 37-year NSA veteran, who served under the leadership of six administrations and through major changes in federal security organizations, Wilcox has helped the nation to prioritize cybersecurity efforts and technologies in use.