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News Reveals Critical Role Evidence Gathering Plays in Insider Threat Defense; Fifth Annual Insider Threat Summit this Week

Dtex Systems
April 16, 2019

There have been several interesting events that have taken place in the insider threat space over the past week that we believe are worth double clicking into. They provide useful insights for any organization interested in knowing more about how to detect and build a case against malicious insiders.

The first item of interest is an article bylined by our VP of Federal, David Wilcox. Published in TechRadarPro, “The role endpoint monitoring plays in detecting and prosecuting insider threats” is a review of two recent incidents that are text-book examples of how access to endpoint behavioral data can do exactly what the headline states. According to David:

Two recent high-profile security incidents have made headlines across the United States and APAC regions. One was the arrest of United States Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hasson. The other was the arrest of Yi Zheng, a Chinese national working as a contractor for Australian financial services firm AMP.

Security and risk professionals should be extremely interested in these arrests. They show that when organizations have visibility over endpoint behavioral data and the ability to collect and analyze it, that malicious insider threats can be detected long before they have a chance to inflict significant damage.

The remainder of the article provides an informative case study about both incidents as well as basic steps organizations should take to mitigate problems.

More Insider Threat News and Resources

David’s piece certainly isn’t the only recent one published that informs and advises security and risk professionals about the insider threat. There are several additional news and advice pieces out that provide detailed looks at the problem. And, this week there is a two-day event taking place dedicated to the topic.

HelpNet Security: Manufacturing sector most vulnerable to insider threats This coverage of a recent survey reveals that three quarters of 650+ international IT professionals said they are vulnerable to insider threats, and ranked user error (39%) and malicious insiders (35%) ahead of account compromise (26%) as their leading concern.

Dark Reading: Ignore the Insider Threat at Your PerilAttacks from insiders often go undiscovered for months or years, so the potential impact can be huge. These 11 countermeasures can mitigate the damage.

Insider Threat Summit Gathers Government and Private Industry Together to Address Top Security PriorityMonterey, California, April 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Insider Threat Summit, hosted by Tech Regiment, today announced that government officials from organizations including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the United States Military will join private-sector security innovation leaders for a two-day event focused on how to address insider threats.