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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

Security and Government: Paving the Road to Modernization

We shared some exciting news yesterday that we here at Dtex have been awarded a two-year contract to provide insider threat detection to the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). We are excited to have our Advanced User Behavior Intelligence platform integrated with DISA’s critical capabilities for detecting and identifying credential misuse, inappropriate access, exfiltration attempts, and combating insider threat incidents. Speaking for our entire company, we are both thrilled and honored to have the opportunity.

It’s no secret that the federal government has dealt with significant cyber security challenges in recent years. From outdated legacy systems to resource and budget constraints, the challenges are significant for those tasked with defending our nation’s most critical systems. But it’s time for all of us to do as the government is doing – and look forward.

Over the past couple of years, the federal government’s increased focus on strengthening their security posture and making comprehensive investments in modernizing IT infrastructure has been successful. We’ve seen the creation of tools that scan for and respond to network threats, a major push to encrypt data, and the implementation of stronger credentialing and authentication processes. And we’re seeing innovative solutions blossom thanks to federal investments in programs like the GSA 18F, the DIUX and the Rapid Innovation Fund. With these new programs, there’s a demonstrated, consistent effort to meet critical security needs with new offerings from small businesses and it’s paying off.

At the same time, there is still plenty of work to be done. The fact is that – across industries, across company sizes, across the globe – we’re reporting the same recurring, and increasingly urgent, challenges when it comes to protecting our organizations. While the move to cloud-based applications has done wonders for increasing productivity and flexibility, it has made it increasingly more difficult to detect and mitigate insider threats as the traditional notion of the perimeter has all but crumbled. As the security landscape gets more robust, it also presents a new level of complexity when it comes to identifying exactly what types of solutions we need. In trying to defend everything, we’re finding ourselves in the position of defending nothing.

The case we made to DISA is the same case we make to all potential customers, regardless of sector: the approaches of yesterday are not working today. That endless stream of alerts and log files might present you with information, but that information is not equivalent to intelligence. The ability to monitor every endpoint and every employee might give you visibility, but likely not in real time. It’s the layered defenses, delivering not just deliver comprehensive, real-time visibility into user behavior but a contextual understanding of that behavior, that in turn deliver immediately actionable intelligence. And its actionable intelligence that serves as the strongest, most sustainable foundation for a modern security approach.