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Workforce Cyber Intelligence & Security News Digest – December 2021

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It’s that time of the year for self-reflection and goal setting, both personally and professionally. However, before we get too excited about what’s to come, we need to wrap up what happened just before 2021 ended in order to build on that and move forward.

As we’ve been doing the last couple of months, we wanted to take a moment to share the top DTEX and cybersecurity industry news for the month of December. Here it is!

DTEX in the News

Top Cybersecurity Headlines in December

  • ZDNet, “Ubisoft confirms Just Dance data breach amid developer exodus,” December 21, 2021Gaming giant Ubisoft confirmed a cyberattack on its IT infrastructure targeting the popular game Just Dance. The company explained that the incident, “was the result of a misconfiguration, that once identified, was quickly fixed, but made it possible for unauthorized individuals to access and possibly copy some personal player data.”
  • CNN, “Kronos ransomware attack could impact employee paychecks and timesheets for weeks,” December 16, 2021Kronos Group, one of the largest human resources companies, disclosed a crippling ransomware attack in December, impacting payroll systems for a number of workers for several weeks.
  • The Guardian, “Personal details of 80,000 South Australian public servants stolen in cyber-attack,” December 14, 2021Records including the name, tax file number, and banking details of almost 80,000 South Australian government employees were stolen in a cyber attack, with workers advised to assume their personal information had been stolen.
  • Security Magazine, “The top data breaches of 2021,” December 9, 2021Security Magazine highlighted a list of 2021’s top data breaches and exposures, noting that it was a record-breaking year.

This concludes our news wrap ups for 2021! Stay tuned for more exciting news from the DTEX team ahead of our first 2022 news digest which will summarize the month of January.