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Insider Risk Insights - DTEX Blog

Workforce Cyber Intelligence & Security News Digest—March 2022

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It’s crazy to believe it’s already been a month since we shared our last Workforce Cyber Intelligence & Security News Digest. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun.

During the month of March, two major news announcements came out of DTEX. We announced our positive company momentum and trajectory from the first half of our 2022 fiscal year, and were also happy to share the news of our extended capabilities, expanding the scope and protection provided by multiple Microsoft 365 E5 modules.

In addition to company news, we were happy to celebrate with you all and share insights around two holidays that happened in March – International Women’s Day (March 8th) and World Backup Day (March 31st).

But that’s not all we were up to. Here’s a brief recap of media coverage from the month of March in case you missed it:

We’ll continue to keep you updated on top news in the months ahead as there’s much we’re looking forward to. Until then, stay tuned on the blog for weekly content from our team or drop us a line if you’re open to connecting.